August Monthly Transformation Update

August 1st                               164.2 lbs

August 31st                            164.8 lbs

August Weight Loss              +.6 lbs

Highest Weight                      284 lbs

Weight Loss to Date              -119.2 lbs

Comment: For the past three months my weight has been steady at 164. I have been debating with myself if I am done with weight loss or do I have more to go.

On the pro side of being done:

I am pleased with how I look. I no longer identify myself as an overweight person.

I feel great. I have lots of energy to do all the things I want to do.

It appears that I am able to maintain this weight. I don’t feel deprived in my eating.

I don’t feel like I have the same level of motivation I had when actively losing weight.

I like the thought of being “done” as it has been a long journey.

On the flip side:

My BMI is 26.5 so I am in the overweight category.

I need to improve my eating and exercise habits.

In terms of eating, or calories in, I aim to eat about 1500 calories a day. I have many days at that count, some lower, and some higher and that is all good, but I still struggle with overeating on other days, and those days would be quite high in calories.

In terms of exercise, or calories out, I am much more active than I used to be but I am not consistent and I do not exercise often enough.

So now what?

I do want to be lower in weight as I do not want to be in the overweight category.

If I don’t work on the final steps in fine-tuning my calories in and calories out, my long-term success is at risk.

I am very close to where I need to be for optimal health, so it doesn’t make sense to stop.

Final Verdict:

Time to come off my three-month hiatus and continue on!!

Before I end this post I want to share my biggest achievement for the month….I am able to do full length push-ups!!

When I started this diet I also started doing some core exercises, one of them being push-ups. I started with standing push-ups against the wall, then graduated to knee push-ups, and now I’m able to do the full version.

I had hoped to post my video of me doing 12(!) push-ups but this forum doesn’t accommodate videos so I have posted pictures of me at the top and bottom of the push-up.  I still have to work on my form and get a bit lower down but I am very pleased that I’m able to do them. Not bad for a 58 year old female!
Push up 1

Push up 2